Bee Healthy, Bee Happy.
Honey & Bee Products
Honey Products
About Us
-An outstanding beekeeper for over 50 years-
Our dedication to producing pure, raw and unfiltered honey has set us apart from many. The way we have engineered ways to use all ingredients collected and integrate them into a broad spectrum of products has been our signature. The importance of preserving immune health and the integrity of our body's functionality has always been our mission but the conservation of our honeybees has been our primary focus throughout our operation.

Bee Healthy, Bee Happy.
Pollination powers the planet
Sales Locations
Where to catch us!
Our production location is in upstate NY near Ithaca in a small town called Spencer,NY.
We travel to NYC every weekend to sell our products at the Union Square Greenmarket Fridays & Saturdays from 8 am to 5pm except major holidays.
We are setting up new selling location near Asheville, NC -
stay tuned for that exciting expansion!

Please contact us with any questions or concerns.
Visit us in NYC !

Catch us at the Union Square Farmer’s Fridays and Saturdays from 8 to 5 pm.
17th & Broadway, Manhattan NY